Urgent Plea for Logan…

As I am sure you all know this very very important member of our Family.

Story Time

Story Time

Well if you don’t let me introduce you to Logan he is Jakers Autism Service Dog. We have been a family for right at 3 years. He has totally changed our lives. Jakers and Logan bonded instantly and within days he was already giving us alerts. Which is AMAZING. I was able to begin to sleep at night which I am not sure I slept a full night since Jakers was about 18months old because he didn’t sleep. I was always scared Jakers would escape lets just say I’ve ran through my neighbors yard more than once barely clothed chasing after a nekkid kid. But one day our lives changed… This day right here when he arrived.


Looking back at this collage makes me see how much they’ve all changed and grown. Well a couple of weeks ago Logan started limping on his hind leg. We took him off duty (Which meant the family went into hermit mode we only went to a few select places but mainly we stayed home). After a couple of days the limp didn’t go away so we headed to the Vet. We tried did a few days of Anti Inflammatory/Pain meds while we scheduled sedation XRays. Well we found out Logan has torn his  Cranial Cruciate Ligament (Basically a Dog’s ACL). Unfortunately the only way to fix this painful issue for him is to do surgery. Its a very expensive surgery and he has to have this surgery sooner rather than later. The cost is about $3,000.00 which isn’t something that anyone has lying around. So we have a fundraising page and I have a paypal account set up that we are desperately seeking donations for this urgent surgery the longer it takes to raise the money the worst it gets. It kills me to see him in pain and not being the dog he should be. It will take him about 12 to heal after the surgery is complete so we have a long road ahead of us. Its going to be hard all around without having him home for a few months we have already began noticing issues with Jakers with Logan not being able to do his job.


Please Please Help us spread the word…. Any and All Donations are so greatly appreciated.

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4 thoughts on “Urgent Plea for Logan…

  1. Sheryll Smalley

    Just a suggestion, why don’t you start a ‘GOFUNDME’ acct and you should be able to get to more people and hopefully more $$’s raised.

  2. Sharing. 🙂

  3. monica

    This is so sad. I hope he gets better soon. We love our German Shepherd. They are great dogs. Sharing

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